Anthurium andrianum


Anthuriums are tropical rainforest plants of Central and South America. In nature, they can be found on trees, they have the ability to get a foothold on moist soils in the axils of branches with the help of aerial roots. In this case, this representative of flora receives nutrition from moist air. Such an interesting feature indicates the unpretentiousness in the care of this beautiful indoor flower.

This beautiful plant has a wonderful property of purifying the air from formaldehyde, which is used in the manufacture of furniture, so it is especially important to grow it in apartments where repairs have recently been made.
It is believed that Anthurium is “male happiness”, because to the representatives of the stronger sex, this houseplant gives strength, courage and success. There is a belief that a man who has an Anthurium in bloom is waiting for family happiness.



  • Basic care rules
  • Maintenance conditions
  • Watering
  • How to take care of flowers
  • Winter care
  • Pruning and shaping
  • How to transplant
  • Tools
  • Disease and pest prevention